Spring and New Chances

Spring is officially here today! Everyone is looking forward to warmer temperatures, abundant sunshine, and of course, outdoor playtime. We are all gearing up with new shoes, outdoor toys, and sunscreen. Finally time to get out of the quarters that held us captive for the winter and enjoy the fresh air. Besides the allergies for both myself and The Kiddos, spring is a much looked to time of year for us. Active, energetic, and just too damn cute, they love to get out and just get the sillies out. We look at flowers, birds, and make shapes out of the clouds. A magical time of year indeed.

As a dad, I know there are always ways I can improve myself and be a better dad. There are new opportunities everyday to be a better dad and to grow closer in the bond with my children. When winter turns to spring, I always spend that day reflecting on the last 365 days, and looking ahead to the rest of the year. Just as the flowers and the trees are birthing their foliage anew, so are the the opportunities to be a better person, husband, and dad. There will me new chances to make a greater impact on the lives of my children, to teach them new things, and to try harder to be the best dad that I can be.

It is a bright, beautiful, warm, and perfect first day of spring here today. The typical lazy mountain Sunday morning that everyone looks forward to. Many people are out fishing, out on the lake, or headed off to the Bristol race today. The weather is too perfect to be ignored, and around here, everyone makes the best of it. As for us? We have been through all of the typical morning activities. We had breakfast, watched Diego and Elmo, picked up toys and cleaned, colored, and sang silly songs. We have not been outside yet today, but the curtains and windows are wide open as we invite the spring into our home. The Kiddos are quite content sitting in the beams of sun on the floor and twirling around in front of the window. They have been on their best behavior as if they are thinking on the same things as I am this morning.

Today is the first day of spring. The change from the bland, gray days of winter into the colorful, bright days of spring comes as a change in attitudes and renewal of self takes place in me. I will reflect on the last year today before heading off to work. I will look ahead and search out the opportunities I can use to be a better person, husband, and dad. I will let the budding flowers and greening leaves be symbolic of the changes I wish to make in myself as the year goes on. Yes, a great, lazy Sunday mountain morning, and on this morning we find ourselves at peace. The day is new, the season is new, and we are new as well. To you all on this first day of spring: May the renewed season bring to you a renewed sense of hope. May the days ahead be as bright as the colors in flowers and as full of life as the pine trees on the mountainside. May you find peace in the new life around you, and peace withing yourself. Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow is another chance. May you see the opportunities ahead, and find your path to the happiness that abounds. Happy first day of spring everyone.

Published by

John Taylor

JohnTaylor is the proud dad to two wonderful kids: Little Man(5) and Little Girl(3), and also the honored husband to The Wifey who has been gracious enough to tolerate me for 8 years and counting. This adventure into dadhood started back in 2007. Since then, no turning back. I am along for the ride, and learning every moment of it.

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