Valentine’s Day

Without question, Valentine’s Day translates into a commercial bonanza for retailers. And yet, if one can filter out this unsavory profit motivated aspect, then the people that matter to us, our loved ones, move to center stage. For families, Valentine’s day embraces a day of recognition that no matter how challenging our daily lives become, unconditional love empowers us to endure. In short, love conquers al.

Family life dies without love. Child development grinds to a halt in the absence of this most powerful human emotion. We are hard wired to love and be loved. Throughout history, humanity’s success was fueled by technological breakthroughs yet the interwoven ever pervasive nature of love provided the spark. It’s true, love saves the day.

No matter how you choose to celebrate this Valentine’s day, remember love matters every day. Love yourself, love others, love life, be loved and give love.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Below is a music video from the Broadway show RENT which was made into a movie. The song is “Seasons of Love.” Enjoy.

Article originally published on

CuteMonster.comVincent Daly aka CuteMonsterDad is a graphic designer, writer, actor, artist and most importantly a husband and father. He is the founder of, a resource for Dads.

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