Hello, I am @TheDADvocate better known as Kevin. My story starts slightly differently from my fellow revolutionaries as it should. I started bloging on April 11, 2009 at MySpellingSucks.com. Only a few weeks into my new blogging hobby I wrote an article on the seventh aniversary of the loss of our first pregnancy. The article was titled Seven Years and one of my wife’s friends read the article and pointed my wife to it. After reading the article my wife decide to do something completely out of character for her and submitted it along with a beautiful letter to our local magazine, The East Cobber.
Every June The East Cobber runs a Father of the Year contest and the article won me the honor of the position. I was very honored, but I was also puzzled. Why did a simple article about loving my family qualify me as father of the year? The question stayed with me through the summer and into the early fall. At one point I was running to The Home Depot <not a sponsor but we sure would welcome them> and observing all the other dads doing their homely duties and the term DADvocate shot into my head. The term had imeadiate weight and meaning and in combination with the question of why expressing love for my family made me father of the year, sparked a new project. The DADvocate Project: I launched The DADvocate Project in November. I wanted to find out if most dads were like me. I believed that they were. I wanted to do a project related to my family because I’m happiest when interacting with them. I knew nothing about the daddy blogging community yet. I was on twitter but more to network locally then to find a community of dads. I defined three phases to the project with a survey, an interview series, and a book. I always need one more dad to take the survey so if you haven’t and your interested in being part of it go to The DADvocate Project Survey. Finally: I was honored when the dad’s here asked me to join their Dad Revolution as I have been a lot less involved in the daddy community then many of them have been. That said you should expect to see a different perspective form me in the following ways.
As far as I know I’m the only dad here who has a childe with a disability and I will blog on issues with that occasionally. IF you are truly interested in the disability aspect watch MySpellingSucks.com
- I will often talk about the numbers, according to my survey results, related to a daddy topic that is being covered.
- Finally, I can’t avoid it if I wanted to, I’ll share ancditoes about my children and everything I learn from them and hopefully occasionally things I taught them.
The DadRevolution is not about guns or bringing an edgy attitude but much more about being a real man, one who lives up to his responsibilities, not down to societies standards. The DadRevolution is about a bunch of MEN who are great dads because they want to be not because they have to be. The DadRevolution is about loveing your family and kicking lifes butt at the same time. The DadRevolution is about helping us and other MEN understand our roll in society. It is also about helping society understand our role as we have defined it not as society/Hollywood defines it. We are here to take back our role in society now Join The Revolution or get out of the way.