Balance; A Concept That Is Not Easy For Most Dads

I ran across an older post over at 21st Century Dad that brought up some good points on what the challenges are for a dad these days. After reading his post I have to agree that though there are many challenges for a mom… yet as a Dad there are also many challenges that one may or may not think of… I especially can relate to the fact that as a working father in a job that has a demanding schedule… Read More...

TechyDad Revolutionary or Today Is a Good Day to Di-aper!

Hey everyone, my name is TechyDad. Who is TechyDad, you might ask? Well, me of course. Do you think I'd be writing about him in the first person if I wasn't he? I'm just your average web developer, science fiction and math nerd, cooking enthusiast, amateur photographer, finder of freeware, ardent advocate of alliteration ala Alton (Brown, that is)…. and also a member of the Dad Revolution. Growing Read More...

Viva La Revolution – Punch and Pie will be served

Hi I’m Adam Cohen aka DaDa Rocks and I’ll be your cruise director.  I’ve always wanted to write it and think that this will be a good time to introduce the humor that will be inline with the posts I publish on DadRevolution.  The revolution is not just a movement but its also a state of mind. This new mindset is so clearly seen in the eyes of tired new dads, its the idea that I’m over my o Read More...

The Dad Revolution Begins…

When I volunteered to go first here at Dad Revolution, I was really just making up for all those times I slouched deeper into my chair to avoid being called on at school. I figured now that I am an adult – a father and husband to boot – it’s time for me to start taking on more responsibility. I never imagined a few months ago that I would be swept up by this revolution, but just a short time later I am th Read More...