Meet the Revolutionaries

About Dad Revolution

Co-founded in March 2010, Dad Revolution is a fresh blog from fourteen dads — stay at home dads, working dads, east coast dads, west coast dads, centralized dads, northern and of course southern dads.  Dad Revolution is a collaboration on the idea that we each speak our own mind, our own voice but despite our different cultural backgrounds we share the same life of a dad.  Dads that are there for their children just as much as mom, if not, even more sometimes.  Whether we planned it or we were thrust into it, fatherhood is the exciting part of life for us, where anything and everything does happen.  We have learned to roll with the punches and we come out on top, and often with a great dad story to tell.  We’re all about community here so whether you’re a dad-to-be, a new dad, a granddad, you are welcome.  We hope our collective stories, experiences and trials can entertain, educate and help you.

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Welcome to the Revolution!!

John Rodriguez

I grew up in California and now live back in my home country of Belize.  Here life is slow and relaxing but that’s how the Caribbean is meant to be.  In 2007 my life changed dramatically when I became a first time dad.  For most of the first year I watched in amazement as my son passed milestone after milestone.  It was only until late in 2008 that I discovered blogging and Twitter when I was searching for a better way to document the life of my young son.  These days I am rediscovering life again through the eyes of my son.  You can get to know Squirt and I better at Daddy’s lil’ Squirt.  I also have a side project called Wisdom For My Son.  On Twitter I am @squirtsdad.

James Rohl begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting

I am a Stay at home dad raising two boys as well as providing daddy daycare for another. I was born in Portland, Oregon and after some formative years in Southern California and Indiana, I am back home in the Rose City. Being a SAHD has been the career change that I have been looking for for years. I have worked in the software industry for the last 12 years but after losing my job in the summer of 2009 my wife and I finally made the decision we had been talking about for years. I became the one at home with the boys and she ventured out into the workforce to bring home the bacon. We feel we are uniquely suited for the roles we have and I have never had more fulfilling, meaningful work. It has been from this fulfillment that I have been documenting my days with the boys on my blog Stay at home dad PDX, trying to make sense of fatherhood and my successes and failures (many failures) in that process. I am honored to join this talented group of fathers who are themselves trying to make sense of what it means to be a fulfilled dad.

New York Dad

If you haven’t guessed already – I live in New York. I am the father of a beautiful, charming, witty and sharp boy (I’m not just saying that!), the husband of a beautiful, charming, sometimes nagging (she denies it…), sophisticated Italian wife. I myself am a bit of a mutt – American father and Italian mother. Perfectly bi-lingual and often travelling between my beloved New York and Rome. I write about anything and everything encountered by an urban dad (that’s me!) over at New York Dad’s Blog so feel free to come on over and learn more about me and my life as a dad. I also hang out in my virtual den where all are welcome to briefly escape from the realities of parenting over at The Dapper Dad.

Gregg Deal

Well, other than being lame, I am a father of two, a husband of one (thank goodness).  I originally grew up in Park City, Utah, but have been in the Washington D.C. area for the last 11 years.  My wife and I were married for some 7 years before we began having children, and when we did, it was an oddly natural transition.  Fatherhood is everything I thought it would be and so much more!  We’ve got a great family dynamic that uses regular suburban life coupled with my Native American culture (I am a member of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe) and quirky kids exploits.  My wife is a full time mom, and since being laid off in September of ’09, I’m home full time as well.  I am in love with my family and everything about it.  My kids, Sage and Phoenix (who I call The Bear) are constantly making things interesting my wife Megan and me. Can’t get enough. I have been blogging for a bit.  I began with a cycling blog called District Cycling which even has a weekly podcast.  As I mentioned, in September 2009, I was laid off from my really crappy job, and things took an odd turn.  In answer to being affected by the economy, my wife and I used our skills (her: marketing and communications. me: graphic design and fine arts) to create Modern Bird Studios.  In the midst of that I began The Lame Sauce in an effort to record various things that happen with my kids and basically have an online journal.  The relationships we have built through social tools, particularly Twitter and Facebook, have allowed some crossover, new friends and great content.  The Lame Sauce allows me to be honest, use my humor and has become an incredible outlet to keeping things sane in our household.  Things get Lame up in here, but in a good way.  Oh yeah, and I’m a Twitter whore.

Adam Cohen

Who is DaDa Rocks? I’m Adam Cohen. A native New Yorker (born in Manhattan), professional web programmer/designer, information architect, and all-around techie. I graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a BFA in New Media Design & Imaging. I’m father to Marc (now 19 months old) and husband to up and coming photographer, Suzanne Cohen.

James Austin

James Austin, better known to the Internet community as SeattleDad, has been writing the daddy blog ‘Luke, I am Your Father’ since his son was 6 months old in January of 2008. The blog centers around his experiences as a first time father over the age of 40 and the joy that it brings to his life. As readers may tell you, the blog tends to lean towards a mix between sappy and humorous, but it is always 100% genuine. James, who lives with his beautiful wife ‘Mrs. LIAYF’ and (still) only offspring, Lukas, also writes sporadically for the vacations blog and can often be seen making terse and ‘hopefully’ humorous comments on Twitter as well as at various high quality parenting blogs. James also enjoys experiencing the full spectrum of natural beauty that his fair city and region has to offer. Biking, hiking, boating, and sports are all usually enjoyed with a coffee in hand and while listening to much of the great music his city also has to offer. In his ‘spare time’, James stares blankly at a computer screen and wishes it were 4:30 PM already.

Dad of Divas

I am a dad who works in Higher Education Administration by day and by night a dad to two girls (divas). I was born in Michigan and after some moving around the Midwest due to working for several colleges and universities, I am back living and working in Michigan and loving it! I started Dad of Divas as a way to document my experiences as a father as well as talk about important parenting tips that I have run into in my time being a Dad. As most blogs have, my blog has changed some over the last 2.5 years, but I have to say that I am still enjoying what I am doing and sharing with other parents that are out there. You will notice in my posts that I definitely do not have all of the answers (that’s for sure) but I am always willing to try something new to make my job as a parent easier (if that’s possible). I am so pleased to be a part of the group of revolutionary fathers who are, as I, working each day to be better than they already are, and are doing whatever they can to help their children to be the best that they can be!

Kevin Metzger AKA TheDADvocate

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Kevin Metzger AKA TheDADvocateKevin Metzger is fairly new to the Daddy blogging scene. He first started “Daddy blogging” last year April 11, 2009 on his blog This blog was started as an “unedited discussion about his ADD and Dyslexia and his daughters Cerebral Palsy.” The blog quickly launched Kevin to local stardom when he was awarded his community magazine’s Father of the year award for an article Kevin wrote on the blog. A few months later Kevin decided he wanted to know more about who today’s fathers are and he launched The DADvocate Project which is “Defining a new generation of dads.” Kevin is also a regular contributor to the DAD-O-Matic website. It is common for Kevin to cover topics relating to his research and special needs but he doesn’t shy away from any particular topic. Kevin also serves on the BOD of a newly formed non-profit helping to fund initiatives at research institutions around the country that focus on developing new therapeutic methodologies for the treatment of Cerebral Palsy. Professionally Kevin is a Business Systems Architect – just don’t ask him to explain what that means.

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