One of the most important things in learning a new language is to speak to others in the language and have others speak to you in the same language. Also, in reviewing numerous parenting books, language acquisition of infants is greater with those that are spoken to often.
Thus, from an early age parents need to be cognizant of this and need to instill the importance of communication in their kids.
As your kids get older, this communication becomes that much more important. Through disciplining your kids when they are young (so they can learn, grow and understand). As your kids enter school and they begin to meet other children, every day is an adventure. Some days are going to be positive, and some days will be negative. It is critical you’re your kids feel comfortable enough to talk to you about their hopes, fears, and concerns regarding their experiences so that they can know that they can depend on your support and guidance to assist them as they need it.
Even older, as your children start dating, as a parent you hopefully will have set a strong foundation for two way communication to occur. You will not always agree with each other, but with a foundation built you still should be able to communicate with each other so that you both can understand.
As they get to adulthood, your communication relationship will change as it has throughout their lives, but the foundation you set when they were young will remain solvent and critical for your future relationship to continue to flourish.
In researching this topic I came across the following links that I felt would be valuable resources for you to access.
So my question for all of you is how or what do you do to better communicate with your kids? Please share some of your thoughts and tips on how best to communicate especially in this age of technology where some parents have to have a dictionary to understand what their child is saying. So good luck and if you need a dictionary, check this one out!

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